Look 4

The blockade look

This look is inspired on my own experience the first time I went to a blockade. Back then we had meters and meters of ribbon with us that we tied to our ankles. By connecting to one another, it was harder for the police to drag you away. This idea I wanted to incorporate in a garment. It would be great to have a garment that can be connected to one another so the police has more difficulty with dragging you away. The clothing pieces that I added in this look is the top, that is further inspired by the high visibility vest, but then a more fitted alteration of it. Then on the bottoms I have used fisherman pants. They are a conceptual reference and wink to Ghandi, the one who started with non violent action. ghandi always wore fisherman’s pants as they gave a lot of room for movement, I thought this principle would be fitting in a blockade of Extinction Rebellion. Then at last the look is finished with chaps. Chaps used to be worn to protect the legs. The protective aspect of the garment made me choose this in this look, as your legs can get quite ugly when you are dragged away by the police. The chaps were also the garment that can be easily connected to the next garment.

Look 4 documents  
CLO file Click here to download the file.
Blender file Click here to download the file.
Adobe substance file Click here to download the file.
PDF pattern file Click here to download the file.
  • With the files above you can recreate the look that I have made, or create alterations on it. Be aware that:
  • For CLO3D and Substance you need a license
  • For Blender I have used different add-ons, namely; HumanGenerator, Gscatter, Landscape creator and the regular Blenderkit.
  • If you want to open the files in CLO3D, make sure you als have the refered textures, those you can download here