Week 27

During the concept Check I uploaded the following documents:

  1. A presentation
  2. A summary of my documentation

Feedback I received was:

  • You are on the right track and we have written our feedback in the form on what to consider for your next steps. Enjoy this next phase.
  • Your material research and experimentation are impressive and have resulted in materials that cater to your principles and sustainable objectives. Also, the study, analysis, and experience you can connect to Xtinction Rebellion are extensive. Now is the moment to deepen the research concerning the fashion references you use to develop your designs. Both the concepts and the designs will bring you new insights and information to inform your collection development - and how the aesthetics of the materials relate to that.
  • The design decisions seem to be lacking a starting point, what stylistic or fashion research are you using to inspire the fashion design. There are a lot of restrictions that you are imposing on yourself in terms of process and the materials you are using. It could be difficult for you to make design decisions with this level of restriction. These restrictions also don’t exist in a digital setting where your possibilities are endless.
  • There should have been a lot more development using the textiles turned into a physical garment. There is a lot of problem solving to be done when it comes to working with this type of bio material. Some of the designs don’t lend themselves to the nature of the fabric, leather inspired construction would be valuable to explore. There needs to be further examples and development of how you are going to visualise and present the digital looks.